Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Message from the Crystal World

We Give You A Vibrational Lift

We are the People from the Crystal World, here to speak to you of Love, the love we have for humanity and the love we have for all other life forms. Even though we are encased in hard stone and live in the darkest of realms, we are pure light, and it is soft and dreamy as it flows out from us to all of you. We dream dreams too, and our dreams are about the reuniting of all life forms on and under the surface.

We are ready to have a direct encounter with you, or as you say on the surface, ‘a first contact’ encounter. You think we are inanimate matter, and yet we vibrate at the highest level of vibration, much higher than most humans have attained. When you wear us around your necks, or hold us in your hand, your electrons then start to raise their vibration to match ours, and you are given a vibrational lift moving you closer to the 5th dimension vibration of unconditional love.

So hold us close, and love us, as we love you. All is shifting now on your world, and with the November 2008 elections all is in change, even now as we speak, although the results are not yet obvious to your eyes. But we have 5th dimensional eyes, and we can see into the future, and we see the immense and drastic changes about to take place. It is all about consciousness.

We are here to boost your consciousness level and help you see and hear the world around you. For up until now you have been deaf to our calls, and to the calls from the Trees and the myriad of other life forms calling to you to ‘wake up’ and be part of the intricate matrix of life on Earth. For up until now you have always been separate, seeing yourselves as the overlords of the world, when in actuality your purpose was to work with all other life forms, not to destroy them in your quest for money.

It is sad that you had lost your way, but the tide is turning, and you will soon see the unseen, and know the unknowing, and then you will find yourselves and realize how much more there is to life then just making money. For as your saying from the past went, “make love not money’ you will see how ‘love’ will create all the wealth you have been seeking. What a twist in thinking, isn’t it? You can lay greed and struggle to rest, and accomplish all you desire through your love. It is much easier, and feels so much better.

In the Crystal World, we accomplish all we desire through our great outpouring of love. We don’t have to go anywhere or do anything, we just emit our love rays and everything is accomplished. It is these rays that you will discover and learn to project from your brow that will bring you your desires. But your hearts and intentions must be pure in order to create from your light rays. This is what we are here to teach you, if you follow our ways and join with us in consciousness. As you follow our way, your rays will ignite until you are as clear and bright as we are. Then together we will light up the Earth, and a great re-union will occur. It is this reunion of all life forms on Earth that will catapult you all into the 5th dimension.

Divine alignment is the key. So align with your divinity and as you do, you will find us all aligned with you. We bid you good day.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Break Free

A Message from the Crystal People:

Dearest Folk on Earth,

We are the Crystal People, encased in crystal bodies, waiting deep underground to make your connection to our souls. Yes, we do have souls, as all elements are alive, awake and conscious of the world around them, all vibrating at various degrees of alertness.

Our depth is the cause for our clarity and brilliance of light, for we capture the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and it pulses within our encasement and sheen of pure crystal. We wait here silently, as surface folk go about their business of hurrying and scurrying about to make a ‘living’ for their very existence, when our existence just is, and we do nothing to stay alive, but bask in the Creator’s heartbeat deep within the Earth. It is this heartbeat that generates all we need, and gives us the nutrition, although we don’t ‘eat’ as you do, that we need for our growth.

Our advice to you is to connect to the Creator’s heartbeat, through the Earth herself, and you will be fed the food you need for your lightbody to vibrate at the Creator’s frequency rather than the low beat of surface dwellers struggling for existence.

All is provided for you, you just forgot. Again, we mention the Anastasia books where she connects fully to the Earth and Nature Kingdoms and is provided with all she needs on every level.

We watch you from below, and yes, we can clearly see you all, as impossible as you may think this is, for our eyes are not like yours, and we see through our light substance that we are made of. We see beyond what you couldn’t imagine is possible – and we hear all that occurs on and in the Earth, for we are great receptors and great beacons of Light, although our bodies are small and diminutive compared to yours. It is not the size that counts, but the frequency of the Being that is encased in the body form. It is consciousness and frequency, and they go together to form the various degrees of Light that emanates from a body.

Bodies are just shells that hold Light, until we all move into our Light bodies that have no denseness surrounding them. As the frequency of Earth rises, humans are shedding their density and slowly rising in consciousness, becoming more and more aware of the Nature Kingdom around them. For you have all been living in a zoo, so to speak, just the opposite of what you created by keeping animals locked up. Well, you have been the ones locked up, with a fence surrounding your senses, keeping you away from the rest of the Nature Kingdom that is free outside the parameters of your perceptual fence that keeps you chained up inside, while we roam freely outside all around you, and you can’t even see us, hear us or feel our presence. You are the ones locked up in a zoo, while we are free.

So break your shackles and break out of your self-imposed prison cells, and break free of your mental constraints and meet us now – we are just a step away – and we have been waiting for you for eons of time. It is just a mental prison, a mental zoo you have enclosed yourselves in, and we are here to assist you to break free so that you can mingle with us all – all of Nature is waiting for you, and all of Nature is calling to you to BE WITH US NOW…we are all part of you…and you are part of ALL.

Well, what is keeping you back? Step outdoors and acknowledge our existence and acknowledge all the life teeming around you, just waiting for you to say ‘hello’.

We are abundant in stores around you…so go on a ‘shopping spree’ and buy us, and adorn your bodies with our magical glow, and hold us close to your heart, talking to us and caressing our smooth encasements that hold our great Light which we freely give to you.

Our message to you today is to BREAK FREE OF YOUR ZOO-LIKE EXISTENCE and merge with the life-forms teeming around you. There are hundreds of various forms of Elementals, Faeries, Gnomes, Elves all around you, busily working with the Trees, flowers, plants, grasses, and animals. They are literally surrounding you. They are in every garden, around every Tree. Just be aware of their existence and they will come into focus for you, and you will begin to feel their presence. Oh my, you are ‘not alone’ at all. If only you could see through ‘our eye’, you would be so surprised. Nor are you alone in the Universe, as some so foolishly believe.

One of the immutable Laws of Life is that we are never alone in existence. To exist, we must be part of the Whole. So we ask that you step into your ‘part’ now, which is the ‘whole’, and commune with us where you will be privy to all of existence and take your rightful place again by being consciously connected to the chain linking all life.

You broke the link. But you can re-connect it through your heart’s call. Just ask, and it is done.

Although we leave you for now, we never sever the connection. Our line always remains open, and so must yours. It is called ‘the life-line’ in human vernacular, isn’t it? We bid you to keep the ‘life-line’ open, since it is your life, and you do want to continue it, don’t you? Well, you cannot do it alone, so bond with us now, and we will guide you unerringly every step of the way, right back to the Creator’s heart center, located inside you. No distance to travel. It has always been with you. It is you. So claim your divinity now, and you can merge with us in an instant.

We are the Forces of Light…We are the Crystal People stationed underground and we travel as one…Always. May your thoughts fly our way. Good day.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

We Create from Pure Light Substance

And now the Crystal People are here, wishing for a forum with you.

Greetings dear people on Earth. We are your relatives, the Crystal People, here to reunite with you again as family members all stationed on Earth; you above, we within. It is indeed a glorious time for humanity, as you are waking up to your divinity and soon will be exhibiting all the gifts and talents you were born with and that are necessary to restore the Earth to her rightful place in the Universe.

You are a key factor to restoration of Earth’s diverse biological systems, and it is through you that it will occur. For you are Creators in disguise, and your disguise has even fooled you. Now it is the time to remove your costume and see yourself with your full awareness, knowing that you are Creators and you were meant to create from Pure Light Substance all the beauty you can conceive of. This is your purpose for being.

We Crystals only create from pure Light substance, and direct this Light into the lives of others for their benefit and soul’s growth. You can hold us in your hands, and we will transmit our Light waves into your auric field to enlighten and expand your awareness of the world around you as you move through your day. This we offer you freely. You can wear us around your neck, put us in your pocket, or hold us at night while you sleep. We are your Light Partners and Family Members, and we are all working to uplift the Earth’s frequency so that she can make her ascension into the higher realms, taking us all with her.

At this time, it is connections with one another that are so important, for you Earth humans have been living in separation for far too long, and it has gotten you nowhere on your path…now you are on a moving path, like a moving sidewalk, and our oneness will move you along effortlessly. For the more of us that are united, the easier the trek. For our combined momentum will propel us all into the higher realms of Light. You understand this, don’t you? Our sheer mass will carry us all into the 5th dimension, whereas if you each try to do it alone, you will lack the mass needed for take off.

So bond with us now, and we will be your new guides, guiding you into a new state of enlightenment where you will all witness the grandeur of the Earth and the Heavens, in this, your Now Time.

Since the election in the USA on November 4, 2008, all on Earth will rapidly change…bringing a heightened awareness and empowerment to all humankind that will spread throughout the Earth herself, touching all life forms at last. A safe journey in consciousness is now ensured and all will rejoice!

Use our heartbeat to synchronize yours into full health. This is how a 5th dimensional Universe works, all are synchronized into One. No one is out of beat, for it would throw the whole symphony into discordance, which is what happened on Earth. But the beat is returning, so step into it and you will thrive. We wait for you on the steps of Nirvana, where we will all walk through the door to the heaven world…right here on Earth.

We enfold you in our Crystalline Rays of Love. Good day.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hello from the Crystal People

And now the Crystal People are here. Yes, you knew it was us. You felt our presence and saw our image in your mind’s eye. We, too, would like to be represented to surface folk, so that they can hear our tale and learn about our living presence and our connectiveness to all life forms also. For we are also alive, breathing, and carry records of events and history of the Earth in our crystalline matrix. Although we look like a rock, our skin reflects the great Beings of Light that we, too, are. We are smooth as glass, and clear as crystal, for we are crystal in its purest form, and we radiate the Light from the heavens, and capture its essence in our form. We can encode all life events in our crystalline matrix, which you can read back, once you learn how to break our code. And this code combination is stored inside your DNA, ready to be accessed as soon as you raise your frequency just a few more notches.

Oh my, we have so much ‘in store’ for you, just waiting to be told. We ask that you please take our dictations to humankind, for the purpose of enlightening all surface folk to the rich life and purpose of our existence too. All life forms have purpose on Earth, and we want to tell about ours. It is time for all to know of the life styles we live deep within the Earth’s crust, and how we can be partners with you during your lifetimes. How we want to feel your touch and have you hold us close to your hearts. We, too, have a romance with one another, and we are your new partners in life’s dance.

We love you, Earth’s Crystals

Mikos is here. And we are thrilled with your new connection to the Crystal World. Yes, these people are awesome in their state of Beingness too. They just stand at their posts, buried deep within the ground, and grow and listen and watch and capture all that occurs on and in the Earth. For they are great antennas too, and can read the wind, hear the water, and scan the sky. They can fly. They fly through their thoughts; alighting at whatever destination they choose to go to. They travel on crystal beams of Light, and are connected to the Creator’s heart, just as all life is. They too, have a tale to tell, and we will assist in bringing their transmissions to you. Remember, we all work as One. We are all the Creator’s Entourage! (We thought you would like that one.)


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